About Us
Founded in 1927, the Portugese Club of Hartford has become an integral part of the Portuguese community of the Greater Hartford area.
Our organization operates as a membership entity supporting the Portuguese-American community by maintaining & preserving the language, culture & customs of Portugal & the Lusosphere.
2017 Board of Directors:
President: Albert Costa
Vice President: Gina Derrick
Vice President: Ana Paula Oliveira
Secretary: Dan Reis and Victor Neves
Treasurer: Mike Reis and/or Tony Nascimento
Public Relations: Bobby Canto
Technical Support: Danny Santos
Infrastructure: Jeffrey Portal
Stock Room: Andrew Elvas
Maintenance Manager / Vogais: Joe Correia
Junta Fiscal:
Agostinho Madeira, Pres
Reinaldo Amaral, VP
General Assembly:
Angelo Dos Santos, Pres
Jose Carlos Cale, VP
Daniel Moura, Secretary